  • Analiza_izvestaja_EK.jpgDate start 10.12.2015.

    InTER's comparative analysis of EC's Progress Reports

    European Commission’s Progress Reports for European integration of Western Balkans countries and Turkey are among the most important analytical documents providing an assessment of success and directions for the necessary reform process every year. Progress Reports are also important in the legislation reform process, development policy or progr...

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  • zasajtsek.jpgDate start 30.11.2015.

    Workshop “SEKO Mechanism – better Heard and Seen!"

    On Monday, November 30, 2015, a workshop was organised in Belgrade for sectorial civil society organizations with the name "SEKO Mechanism – better Heard and Seen!”.

    Serbian European Integration Office (SEIO) organised a workshop in cooperation with the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society, representatives of TACSO and Trag Foundation.


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  • 12309017_10208250282243628_1615733978_n.jpgDate start 27.11.2015.

    OSCE's seminar on legislation for non-governmental organisations

    Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo has organised a seminar on development of legislation for non-governmental organisations (NGOs), with two representatives from InTER as participants. The seminar was organised on November 24-27, in Hotel “Podgorica”, in Podgorica, Montenegro.

    The purpose of this seminar ...

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  • 12281704_10208078624512199_1620482669_o.jpgDate start 23.11.2015.

    The fourth training organized within the project “Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine”

    Trainings for capacity building of InTER were organized within the project “Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine” financed by the Embassy of Finland, and supported by PPSE/Swisscontact and USAID Empower.

    The fourth in a set of trainings was organized on November 23, 2015 in Zubin Potok. The training covered the topic of Monitoring and Evalu...

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