  • DGAP_Vesti_svg.pngDate start 27.02.2012.

    InTER selected to participate at the TRAIN programme

    InTER has been successfully awarded to participate at the TRAIN programme (Think Tanks providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) that seeks to foster fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and S...

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  • Balkan_Peer_Exchange_news.jpgDate start 22.02.2012.

    InTER at the "Balkan Peer Exchange" conference

    InTER has been selected to participate at the Balkan Peer Exchange conference that is held in Belgrade, February 21-23, 2012.

    This event aspires to bring a representative group of think tanks and advocacy organizations as well as donors to address these issues and open new avenues for future cooperation. Its organizers do not have any pre-conceiv...

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  • IMAG0336.jpgDate start 13.02.2012.

    Organisation of the third seminar "Assessment of EU CBC project proposals"

    As a part of cooperation with the Serbian European Integration Office, InTER organised the third out of four seminars for assessment of EU CBC project proposals. The seminar was organised on February 10 and 11, 2012, in the premises of the Serbian European Integration Office, with 27 participants who are a part of the roster of assessors of CBC ...

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  • Picture_of_the_presentation.jpgDate start 07.02.2012.

    Conference "New Regional Policies and European Experience"

    Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economy and Regional Development, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development organised a conference on "New Regional Policies and European Experience" that gathered local and international experts in the field of regionalism, decentralisation, economy,...

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