  • privredna_komora_beograda_Converted.jpgDate start 02.07.2012.

    Reccomendations from the Conference on the importance of business support infrastructure in Serbia

    Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and the Association „Klub prvih zena“, have submitted the conclusions from the round table „Importance of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks for local economic development - Are we keeping p...

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  • IMG_2057.JPGDate start 30.06.2012.

    InTER participted in Berlin within the TRAIN Programme

    Within the TRAIN Programme (Think Tanks providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) InTER’s researchers participated in the seminar organised in Berlin from June 11 to 15, 2012.

    In cooperation with other think tank organizations from the Western Balkans, draft researches on selected topics were revised at the seminar. The p...

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  • Logo_2.jpgDate start 03.05.2012.

    InTER on TV Kopernikus

    Director of the Institute for Territorial Economic Development Dragiša Mijačić spoke about the Analysis of Business Support Infrastructure in Serbia on TV Kopernikus.

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  • narr_logo.jpgDate start 15.04.2012.

    InTER contracted to carry out mapping and analysis of local economic development offices

    On April 9. 2012, InTER signed the contract with the National Agency for Regional Development (NARD) to develop a study including mapping and analysis of the local economic development offices, creation of a set of standardised services provided by LED offices, as well as the recommended model for establishment of LED offices within the system o...

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